Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kith and Kin progress!

So, I'm continuing to work on my story for Kith and Kin. It is going slowly, but that also means I'm going to try to have...GASP, legit backgrounds instead of just white or black colors. I'm working on more breakdown information for my characters.

I've settled on the names Carlotta and Clayton.
I'm working on a Clayton post-tragedy portrait, but for now, here is Carlotta's.

She will have lost an eye protecting her band of 10 misfit children.

Right now, the short version is, Carlotta comes from a family with money, wants to be with Clay, but doesn't wanna marry cuz they can't have children, (HUGE PLOT SPOILER TRAGEDY INSERTED HERE) they get separated for a long period of a yearish. She lives in the forest with this group of city children whose parents were lost in (HUGE TRAGEDY)and becames a mother to them all. Very much like Wendy from Peter Pan, but I assure everyone that it won't be so cheesy as all that.

Yes. I know, you're thinking "FURRIES, COME ON." Well, I tell YOU to come on. It's time that they are made a little less creepy, and WAY less about people who WISH to be animals. Anthromorphic creatures date back to ancient Egypt. THEY ARE COOL. DEAL with it.

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