Friday, September 23, 2011

Work Art!

I've been on Sign Team for Trader Joe's for a while now, and it's a really cool gig. I get to improve my handwriting, draw, and jam to my ipod for 8 hours. (No, it's not that gravy a deal, but it's so close to that!)

So, I had to make some quick signs, but unlike the others we've made in the store, I was told that my "STYLE" would be really nice to have for this project.

I actually remembered to take pictures of it, since I'm working on a portfolio of sorts! I don't remember to get everything, so I'm glad I at least got this one. I'm really proud of him!


  1. Sweet!

    And now I'm sure to grab a basket ever time I find my way into the store, too.

  2. Congrats! It looks great on TJ's walls!

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