Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First of many posts!

I'm going to start with my favorite new show! Game of Thrones is the best thing to happen to me since Rome. An HBO series is like watching a movie that is as long as it needs to be to share all of itself with you, while keeping that beautiful cinematic quality. GUSH GUSH GUSH it's so good.
I had to do fanart immediately. After watching season one, I carefully chose my favorite characters. Arya of course, because she is a total badass, and Daenerys Targaryen. Khaleesi of all badasses.

I decided that Dany will be my first GOT fanart. I chose watercolor as the medium, and got to work. First, I referred to my Doug Sneyd Playboy artbook for some soft profiles and body structures. I then sketched her out, and used a brown fountain pen to ink it.

I started with her skin, pale, but slightly browned from the sun. Winsor & Newton paints made all the difference for really beautiful, true colors.

Watercolor has become one of my favorite mediums, since it really gives life to a drawing, even a tiny one. For my mom's birthday, I made her a really neat painting and put it in a Swedish frame I got from my friend's garage sale. The painting is very mexican in quality, and even transfers that feeling over to the frame!

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