Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Multiple layers? SHUT up photoshop.

So, I've never done a piece with more than 3 layers. It's my secret to having so much finished work. Lack of time spent doing everything individually. Well, I took on the task of making the header banner for my friend Kayla's website. I decided to treat it like a papercraft. Now I'm jealous, because I want one. Then...I was like...OH MY GOD STUPID, YOU CAN MAKE ONE FOR YOU after. But seriously, I do better work for others, because I'm sick like that. Call it..."my area of growth!"

I must say, being an illustrator all this time really makes stuff like this hard for me, because I want BLACK DARK OUTLINES on everything. Bad Rachel. Quit outlining every little thing. Crazy beezy. This is the result if you don't!


  1. :D I'm so excited!! Thank you so so much for undertaking this endeavor. I owe you one.

  2. Panels in my comic are rarely more than five layers deep; depending on how complex they are.

    The guy who colored the short story coming up next for my comic? Yeah, he had thirty to forty layers per panel.

    Really? How? Why?!
