Welp, cleaning out the old computer today, and I found an old meme...so I filled it out.
1.What is your name?: Rachel Ann Millar
2.What color pants are you wearing?: Pants?
3. What are you listening to right now?: not the voice in my head telling me to be productive...that's for sure.
4. What are the last four digits of your phone number?: none of your damn business.
5. What was the last thing you ate?: a bowl of cereal
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: chartreuse
7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon?: Alaska
8. How is the weather right now?: overcast and perfect
9. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?: my mumzy
10. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: eyes
11. Do you like the person that sent you this?: It has been 6 YEARS since I filled this out, so I will assume I don't like them anymore.
12. How are you today?: amazing
13. What's your favorite soda?: Diet Coke.
14. What's your favorite non soda: Tea these days, because I'm getting old.
15. How do you eat an Oreo?: Like normal people do.
16. Favorite sport?: To watch? Probably baseball.
17. What's the next CD you're going to get?: Haha, the CD that is handed out at the apocalypse I suppose.
18. Hair color?: Dark Brown
19. Eye Color?: Dark Brown
20. Do you wear contacts?: When I feel like it.
21. Siblings?: None.
22. Favorite month?: December
23. Favorite food?: BURGER
24. Last movie you watched?: Dogma
25. Favorite day of the year?: My birthday
26. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: Not anymore.
27. Do you like scary or happy movies better?: Depends on if I want to be happy, or watch people die in horrific and or ridiculous ways.
28. Summer or Winter?: Winter
29. Hugs or Kisses?: Kisses.
30. Relationship or one night stands?: RELATIONSHIP.
31. Chocolate or vanilla?: Chocolate
32. Do you want your friends to write back?: it would be nice, but I'm the letter sender.
33. Who is most likely to respond?: Probably Amy.
34. Who is least likely to respond?: Ruthie, but I do live with her. "Thanks for the card. I drew you a smiley face on a post it."
35. Living Arrangements?: SF 1 bedroom I share with Ru
36. What books are you reading?: Game of Thrones, soon to be book 2, whatever the hell it's called.
37. What's on your mouse pad?: mouse pad? Damn...this meme is DATED.
38. Favorite board game?: Still Monopoly, sadly.
39. Favorite magazine?: Any of the home design one, thanks to Pinterest.
40. Favorite smell?: Cut grass.
41. Least favorite smell?: hoarder house level urine/feces smell.
42. Favorite sound?: The Zelda secret sound, currently my message tone.
43. Worst feeling in the world?: nausea.
44. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?: I don't really think when I get up. It's kind of an autopilot deal.
45. Favorite color?: Red
46. How many rings before you answer the phone?: Depends on if I'm laying down or not.
47. Favorite Child's/animal's name?: Hallie/Jim
48. Do you think the glass is half empty or half full?: Full for the most part
49. Favorite movies?: The Hannibal Series, Rocky 1-4, The Professional, Open Range, The Missing...and Steel Magnolias.
50. Whats under your bed?: My disconnected Wii.
51. What is your favorite number(s)?: 6
52. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you?: They probably have grown up by now. Shame I have not.
53. What CD do you have in your stereo?: Kinda need a stereo for this question.
55. Who do you have a crush on right now? Do people get "crushes" after 21? I will say my boyfriend.
56. Favorite Walt Disney movie?: Impossible question. I love them all. (LIVE ACTION MOVIES NOT INCLUDED.)
57. Favorite saying or words?: "Snaps!" Right now. Also "Derp" or "ChaChas", as a cute way to say liquid shit sickness.