Sunday, June 5, 2011

The big Seven Oh.

70 blog posts. Jesus, that's incredible. I can't even remember to write down my schedule all the time, let alone keep journals or take notes. It really does seem like eons ago since I first posted her in blogbert.
That being said, alot in my life has changed for the better. I'm learning to do new things all the time, and becoming more comfortable with my craft, so to speak. I used to think that I didn't have any natural ability in art, but my grandmother had always been pretty damn crafty.

I recently had to put up curtains and photos on our bright green focus wall at the family home. I picked the green, which of course, can be very garish. for about 6 months it has been just a blank green wall, no pictures, no window coverings, no nothing. When we finally had everything we needed, I went to work, and put up beautiful espresso curtains, and every picture in the house that was framed. The end result was truly awesome. Hell, maybe my gift is more natural than I thought.

The other epiphany was with prismacolor markers. Since I use them often at work, I've become reacquainted with how to layer them, and also how to wait for them to completely soak into the paper before you add more color.

So when Breena was over last night, I did mini drawings of her and Ru. (These drawings are only about 3-4 inches long in person. V. Cute.

Also working on other people's comics, like 6th Circle, really makes me fall back in love with art. Sometimes I need a little reminder that what I do is special, and other people like what I do. So...



  1. yay the wall isnt blank anymore! and well i love the mini portraits anddddd your big glasses and golden pineapple. you so stylin grrrl!

  2. OH MAN. I'm gonna have to do mini portraits of you too bub! We need to bro soon!
