Monday, July 16, 2012

Jean Paul Gaultier exhibit!!?!

My best buddy Ruth and I went to the Gaultier exhibit at the De Young Museum. It was the coolest exhibit set up I've ever had the pleasure of walking through. The first room was full of figures that had their faces projected on them like the gypsy fortune teller in the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland. Not to mention he has dresses that were inspired by mermaids. I am actually in the process of drawing that one. I was really happy that cameras got the green light. Now that I have a smart phone, I'll be able to take better quality pictures, especially of his S&M lines of clothing. Yes, it is as HOT as it sounds! I did a few doodles though, that are finished. The first one is actually in the first room, and the second is almost all the way through. I will be the first to admit they are "inspired by" drawings at best, since I haven't been back to properly study the dresses. I do plan to do that, but for now, just enjoy the debauchery that is my drawing.
I know it's been a spell since I've been uploading stuff here. Alot of that is that I have been using Tumblr and Instagram. You can find me here!

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