Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christmas Wrapping...yes already.

Mom and I went shopping, and got a bunch of stocking stuff...so I thought, I'm going to wrap them the way I want to.

Admittedly, I hate the fact that My Favorite Things from The Sound of Music became a Christmas song that every bad jazz singer felt the need to cover. HATE IT. But I love brown paper packages tied up with string. Hemp string. And brown paper from left over shopping bags. It's not just for wrapping school books with, kids! get some double sided tape, and get a'wrappin'!

You can now enjoy not blowing huge money on wrapping, and still have it look really nice. This pleases everyone, and if you really want to, all you need is some holiday tags. Hell, cut out shapes and punch a hole in it, then tie on after the knot on the package, then bow over it. Go wild. And also look at my face, which is just as pretty as those presents.


  1. Lovely! That's such a great idea. I can't wait for all the holiday festivities.

  2. OH man! Your gift is wrapped like this also!
